Womb Bloom - Страница 8
Bridge between hearts
Partners direct their love, tenderness, affection and elevated feelings to each other through this bridge between hearts. They express and transmit them with the help of deep breathing and eye contact. No words, just breathing.
Nowadays words are like drawings in the sand; the wind blows and they disappear. Words are forgotten and not valued by people. Maybe nowadays there are simply too many words…
So come back to the source of Love’s knowledge, learn to communicate with your loved one through breath and the heart and the uncharted world of man will open itself up to you more deeply than if you were simply to talk to him. And the world of woman will open up for man…
8 personality types
The healers shared a law with me that the whole of nature is subject to: each person is born with a specific energy structure, a personality type which determines their development, character traits and disposition. Women are characterized by 4 winds – North, South, West and East. Men by the 4 elements: Fire, Earth, Water and Air. North is connected to Fire, South to the Earth, West with Water and East with Air.
This is a particular energy, something given to us a priori and unique for each person. It can be used to develop ourselves as individuals or ignored.
In this age the law has expanded to include two wind combinations for women:
And two elements for men:
Hot Air or fiery Wind (Fire and Air)
Boiling Water (Fire and Water),
Moist Earth (Earth and Water),
Typhoon (Earth and Air).
How does it happen?
One wind is given to a woman from birth while the second one can be acquired during the course of life or imposed on her by parents or society as a more acceptable behavioral model. Healers say that we need to discover the wind or element we are born with in order to open ourselves up as fully as possible in this world. There are special practices to do this. Here is one of them.
How to determine your element
Have you noticed that sometimes when you lie down to sleep facing a certain direction, you sleep well and feel energized, while if you sleep facing another direction we can feel tiredness and fatigue on waking, as if we hadn’t slept at all? Try doing the following:
Lie on your back, close your eyes, bend your knees and place your hands on your stomach. Connect with your body, don’t think about anything at all, take a deep breath in through the nose expanding your stomach, and a full breath out. Breathe like this for a few minutes while lying motionless. Then slowly start moving in a circle, pushing yourselves with your legs. Imagine that your stomach is your axis – the centre you are rotating around. Move slowly and monitor your sensations. Your direction will be signaled by particular feelings arising. It’s difficult to say exactly what kind of feelings because it’s different for everyone. Some people feel warmth, pins and needles, a sense of calm and so on. The most truthful indicator is relaxation. When you have moved around the whole circle, stop where you feel most comfortable. Then take your compass and check what direction your body has chosen. Experiment with it a few times. Your body will always choose its direction. Before going to sleep lie with your head facing this direction and you will see the effect next morning. If you really managed to find your direction then your body will truly relax, you will sleep well and after waking you will feel fresh and energized. This exercise helps overcome insomnia and calms the nervous system. The body really rests and replenishes itself when facing its direction – the one given from birth.
There’s a variation on this practice. Try to determine the points of the compass beforehand. Then choose one direction e.g. North and lie with your head facing in that direction. Sleep in this position one night or a couple of nights to be completely sure. Take note of your state every time. You can even write your feelings in a diary. After that sleep facing South, West and East. Your direction is where you feel most comfortable of all.
When you find your wind or element you will be able to understand what you need to develop in yourselves first and foremost, what your strong and weak points are, where your talents lie, and what course of action is best for you to take according to your wind or element. Whether you should flow like water, burn like fire, blow like the wind, or stand strong like a mountain. You can find out about the characteristics of each wind in my book Womb.
There is also a 5th element – the centre. This is a natural leader, organizer whose role in life is to attract people to themselves, bring them together and direct them. Due to its complex structure the fifth element’s character is changeable and that’s why the parents of such a child often don’t have it easy. Usually the fifth element is born under dual zodiac signs e.g. Pisces, Sagittarius, Libra or Gemini. The least problematic children are women with a southern wind or men with Earth as their element. These are the most pleasant and easy-going people.
Healers say that during childbirth a mother can influence what the baby’s direction will be, or what their complementary wind or element will be. The mother lies down so that the baby’s head will emerge in the direction of the desired wind or element i.e. if she wants a southern wind for a girl or Earth for a boy she should lie with her head facing North. This is only possible with a natural birth.
Parents’ expectations of their children
Many mothers and fathers are filled with the expectation that when their child grows up, he will support them, help them, be their sponsor, love and respect them, become the person they envisage them to be and choose the profession that they propose for them. And of course, marry a noble prince or genuine lady of the manor. All these expectations lead to massive misunderstandings between parents and their children in the future.
Do you think that your child will fulfill the things you didn’t manage to do? Do you think that your child will choose the path you show him? Do you think that he will marry the woman you choose for him or the man who in your opinion will be the best husband for her?
Push these illusions aside, don’t expect anything in return and don’t bet on the fact that someone will appreciate your hard work in the future. If you have no expectations there will be no reason for sadness. And if everything turns out as you wished it to, that will be something to celebrate. Act without expecting anything in return. Give what you can. And remember that the essential ingredient that children and all of us need is Love. Real love which is able to let go, stand aside, not manipulate through emotions or violate others with its ‘love’.
From the moment a baby leaves its mother’s womb and the umbilical cord is cut, he or she belongs to the world. The baby is Earth’s son or daughter. He has his own path, life and destiny. She has freedom of choice, given to all of us from birth.
Who are we then? We are simply helpers who aid the baby to sit, crawl, walk etc. We don’t teach anyone; we simply show them the world around us and share our experiences with them. We come into this world to teach ourselves, not others. There’s no need to try teaching someone close to you, be it your husband, wife or children. We can only offer our view of a situation to our child, give advice and warn them of any dangers ahead. But do not under any circumstance become tyrants who force their image of the world upon their child, especially when they are already 25 years old.