Womb Bloom - Страница 7

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When doubts, arguments and criticisms appear, when you start to weigh up the pluses and minuses in a man, that’s not love anymore. Creating a child is a huge responsibility. But you need to go there through the Heart, not with mercantile thoughts about how much he earns, his IQ, connections, relatives… Listen to your heart. What does it feel? Be honest with yourselves.

And so, conception… Let’s go back to the magic music of two loving hearts.

During union a woman should be relaxed to fully open up to her partner, let a part of him into her sacred womb, open her heart to the flow of altruism, giving, generosity. The seed should fall on fertile ground which has been stroked to warmth by the sun’s rays and is moist from rainy orgasms. The man as gardener should take care of his woman the Earth throughout her whole pregnancy, watering her with attention and gently tending to her for the seed to germinate and turn into a beautiful flower; a child.

Healers say that it’s best to conceive during the waxing moon or full moon. We and all other beings on planet Earth do not live in isolation from each other; we are connected to the whole Universe and the events taking place in it, especially to the cycles of the Sun and Moon. Men are more connected to the Sun and women to the Moon.

There’s a legend that women came from the Moon and every month they pay her tribute in the form of their periods. When the Moon waxes events take on strength and energy and potential grow. The full moon is a time to see the results of one’s efforts, conclude events and to reap fruits from the harvest. A woman has the ability to change her monthly cycle and manage it. There are special exercises allowing a woman to make her period start or stop at any moment. To do this a woman must be very conscious of her centres, ovaries and be able to work with the power of intent.

It is possible to tune one’s cycle to the rhythm of the moon’s cycle. This gives a woman particular strength in her interactions with the world. Being in tune with the moon’s cycle means for ovulation to take place during the full moon. The egg matures during the waxing moon, which is a period of active growth, communication, creativity. Menstruation itself happens during the waning moon – a period of rest and relaxation where it’s better to be one on one with oneself. If this is true for you then conception will also take place during the strong phase of the moon the full moon.

Exercises for couples

True love is always mutual.

My mentors in Mexico taught me that at the moment of conception all your cells should be activated, your intent should be completely pure and sincere, your consciousness at its peak to the extent that you can feel energy, be aware of your molecules vibrating, of the egg joining with the sperm. Then it will be a very vivid act and the baby will be imparted with a lot of consciousness and knowing from the very start.

There are special exercises that help couples feel each other better, tune into each other, become closer and connect in harmony: Ocean’s Breath, Energy Exchange, Joint Dreaming, Bridge between Hearts, to name a few.

Ocean’s Breath

Both partners sit back to back. One partner breathes in, gently curving their back and brings their chin to their chest. At the same time the other partner breathes out arching their back and brings their head back. Contact should remain between their two bodies.

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Ocean’s Breath 1

Then they do the opposite; the first partner breathes out and arches their back, the second breathes in and curves their back.

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Ocean’s Breath 2

And so the movements continue. They are carried out smoothly, one movement flowing into the other with each person fully in the moment, breathing deeply through the belly. In this meditation connect with the element of water by imagining that you are an ocean. Each inhalation and exhalation is the tide coming and going. Breathe through your mouth as slowly and loudly as you can, imitating the sound of waves breaking on the sandy shore. This meditative practice allows you to feel your partner’s rhythm and connect to each other not only on a physical level but also on an energetic level; the back is a more energetically open area in a person. We’ve already learned to protect each other from the front and wear masks while contacting the outside world, masks which sometimes become so strongly glued to our faces that we cannot even open up and take them off when talking to our close ones. That’s why we’re more open and unprotected from the back and touching back to back we can truly see our partner and discover their unmasked self.

Energy exchange

This exercise is for balancing out energy levels between partners when e.g. one partner has too much energy and the other doesn’t have enough. This technique will also help you calm down and feel balanced when one or both of you are tense, overexcited or emotional.

Men often have a build-up of energy in their solar plexus. Women can use this to build up energy in their stomach. The same goes the other way round; women can share their energy with their man when they have too much in their stomach, and their man is lacking in energy.


Option 1: the woman lies down with her hands resting by her sides. The man lies on top of her and tightly grasps her hands, squeezing her fingers in his hands. They begin to breathe in unison, taking deep breaths in and out. Their breathing is calm, even, deep and comes from the stomach. In this case the man gives away energy and the woman receives energy.

Option 2: the woman lies on top of the man, grasps his hands and squeezes his fingers. They also breathe in unison. Energy goes from woman to man.

This technique can also be used to exchange different types of energy and to become more familiar with your partner’s energy – with its colour and aroma.

Joint dreaming

This technique is carried out when we are asleep. What is it for?

Often when we are in waking life we cannot truly feel our partner because our thoughts, behavioral programs and judgments are in the way. And sometimes we simply can’t hear body language.

When we are asleep our body relaxes, our mind calms down and lets go of its control. We become more honest with each other, more capable understanding the person next to us and connecting with them and their energy without encountering any hindrance from masks worn in daily life.

I recommend these exercises for couples to develop a deeper understanding of each other and join their energies. At a more advanced level, partners are able to consciously meet each other in their dreams and dream the same dreams.

The practice begins with both partners lying down in preparation for sleep… But not just in any way. I will describe one of these poses. Both partners lie down on their sides with their backs to each other, legs slightly bent and feet, lower back and sacrum area touching. They tune into each other’s breathing and begin breathing in unison, either breathing in and out together, or one partner breathing in while the other breathes out and vice versa.

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‘Joint dreaming’ exercise

Bridge between hearts

Both partners sit facing each other. They look into their eyes, place their left hand on their heart and their right hand on their partner’s heart. They visualize their hearts opening up to each other, flourishing like flowers and opening their petals to the sun in the name of Love. They imagine a pink ray going from one partner’s heart to the other’s heart and a heart connection forming between them. This is very important since most couples are only connected through their sexual or intellectual centres, while the heart remains closed…

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