Womb Bloom - Страница 5
Sometimes we go into a relationship, then another one and another yet again, and every person in our life imparts us with their understanding of the world, sometimes forcing their own path and decisions on us. Yet each one of us has their own life purpose on this Earth and it’s important not to lose sight of it. To break out of the thousands of life purposes left in us by our parents, teachers, partners and step onto our own life’s purpose. To walk the path of the Heart and feel happiness from what WE do. How can we achieve this?
Everything begins with the practice of cleansing. A holistic cleanse. Only this can give us an understanding of our Heart’s path. There are many paths in the world. You can go North, South, West, East, up or down, but the most interesting of all is to go deep into your Heart.
Cleansing by water
We are 75% water. Water sees everything and remembers the information it meets on its journey. It also takes on the form of whatever it resides in. When you have sexual contact with a person you exchange fluids with each other i.e. information which each of you carry inside yourselves. This is especially pertinent for women.
Why do we feel a pull towards a man after sexual contact with him?…
This is a small part of a woman’s inner man which desires to connect with the whole – with him that is. Parts of the whole always strive to join together again.
If this is your beloved, your life partner, this connection is wonderful and will strengthen your union. Through it you can feel each other without words. Time and distance will cease to exist in your world.
At the start of my acquaintance with my beloved, an interesting event took place which became one of the key signs that allowed me to open up to this person after a long period of reclusion.
Diary entry
Friends! How quickly you leave me and find new friends; the only trace of me in your memories is like a bright reflection on crystal glass.
But I can’t forget or leave anyone; each of you are like diamonds in my memory.
All of you are my threads, my children, my dears. I feel honey-like viscous warmth towards you…
How do you do this? Tell me…
After breaking free from the past I was completely closed to a new relationship, sealed up like a caterpillar in a cocoon preparing to pupate and fly upwards on new wings. I didn’t want to waste myself any more on flippant relationships and I decided to wait for my one and only for as long as it took, as long as was necessary to cleanse myself completely.
That’s how I spent the whole of spring, then summer… And at the climax of autumn’s gold it felt as if I’d just leaped over from Mexico into Moscow’s Indian summer. I was like a hungry female wolf in the cold concrete forest of Moscow. Where had the palms, earth and nature gone? Was everything here really covered in asphalt? Would my feet not be able to sink into the hot sand on the ocean’s shore?…
My beloved and the hero of this book, Jonny, phoned me just as I was going up the escalator in metro Komsomolskaya to meet a corporate trainer for dinner. Jonny asked me: “Are you at Komsomolskaya? I don’t know why I came here. I felt that this is where you are.” I was unnerved. There was no way he could have known about my meeting. It was a completely spontaneous meeting; about an hour before Jonny’s call, the trainer had called and confirmed a place. I went out of the metro and met Jonny at the exit. He’d parked close by…
Let’s get back to the cleanse and find out what is at its core.
Start by preparing the water. Boil about a litre of water and then cool it to 37 – 38 degrees centigrade using this special technique. Place the jug of water on a windowsill or another place where moonlight can shine into it. This way, you will charge the water will lunar energy; the energy of wisdom and femininity. The ideal time to do this practice is during the full moon.
The next stage is to charge the water with your intent. Rub your palms together to make them warm and then hold them over the water 3 – 5 cm from the surface while formulating your intent with sharp precision e.g. “I intend to free myself from past ties (you can name the person or people here)”. Your intent will be put into the water’s structure.
Another way to charge water is to cup your hands together, raise the water to your mouth and talk your intent into the water. Next hold your palms over the water or place both hands around the jug. Your intent will be transferred through the warmth of your hands. You can add rose petals or any other flower petals you like to the water. I’ve also used quartz crystals from holy places to charge water. First I squeezed the crystals in my hands, transferring my intent to them and then I placed them in the water for 20 minutes.
When the water is ready pour it into a syringe. You might have to repeat the procedure a few times depending on the size of the syringe. Important note: you must use all of the water you have prepared. Place the end of the syringe into your vagina, and squeeze the water into it. Don’t forget to disinfect the syringe beforehand. While you are doing this, continue to say your intent in your head: “Water, water, cleanse me! Let everything I want to get rid of flow out with water”.
This procedure also has a practical side; it can be done the day after your period has finished. It helps clean your womb from remnants of blood, and the added rose petals will impart your ‘flower’ with a pleasant scent.
Partners’ readiness
I was free. This was a fresh gulp of air for me. Like a bird, I fluttered out of a cage riddled with misunderstandings.
I now had the chance to find my other half – the person who would accept me as I am, who wouldn’t try to refashion me, the person I would want to have a child with.
I am writing this book with all honesty and I don’t want to sweeten the things that you will go through over these 9 months. That’s why before going there, it’s better for you to become conscious of what you will encounter, one way or another.
Your whole life and all your relationships will change forever from that very minute. Things will not be as they were before but something that wasn’t there earlier will come into your life. And who comes depends on you…
It will be better for me to write what may await you during your pregnancy and after childbirth at the start of the book rather than at the end.
Before conceiving from a man, it’s important for a woman to understand what awaits her further down the line. Because for a man, however good a person he may seem at first glance, the birth of a baby is a serious test. It’s a test for both partners of course. But a woman is better adapted from the start; she is programmed by nature. She carries the baby 9 months under her heart and then breast feeds it. While she is pregnant she gets used to being with the baby 24 hours a day and feeling it inside her. The baby acts through her constantly. Its hunger is her hunger, its needs are her needs. And finally, when the baby comes into the world she is morally ready to interact with it.
Now and then a man sees his woman’s growing belly, and even when the baby is born, he can’t immediately grasp the meaning of: “Wow! I’ve become a father!” And not only become a father but taken on a new, huge responsibility which requires effort daily, hourly and on a minute-by-minute basis. A woman’s task here is not only to perceive all that is happening, but also to share this with her man. A new life has come to Earth, a life carrying his genes filled with his blood.
Unfortunately many fathers only understand this when their child is 5 – 10 years old. Sometimes realization comes too late. Many marriages collapse in particular after children are born. It’s too difficult… the man wants love, attention, and now there’s this little creature…