Война во Вьетнаме (1946-1975 гг.) - Страница 218

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Pearson, Willard. The War in the Northern Provinces 1966 – 1968. Vietnam Studies. Washington, D.C.: Department of the Army, 1975.

Pike, Douglas. War, Peace, and the Viet Cong. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1969.

Marxism, Communism, and Western Society, A Comparative Encyclopedia. “Vietnam War.” Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

PA VN: People's A rmy of Vietnam. Novato, CA: Presidio Press, 1986.

Pisor, Robert. The End of the Line: The Siege of Khe Sank. New York: W. W. Norton, 1982.

Porter, Garcth. Vietnam: The Definitive Documentation of Human Decisions. 2 vols. New York: Earl M. Coleman Enterprises, 1979.

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Prugh, George S. Law at War: Vietnam 1964 – 1973. Vietnam Studies. Washington, D.C.: Department of the Army, 1975.

Reedy, George. Lyndon B. Johnson, A Memoir. New York: Andrews and McMeel, 1982.

Rogers, Bernard William. Cedar Falls-Junction Cily: A Turning Point. Vietnam Studies. Washington, D.C.: Department of the Army. 1974.

Rosen, Stephen. “After Vietnam: What the Pentagon Has Learned,” The American Spectator. October 1979.

Rostow, Walt W. The Diffusion of Power: 1957 – 1972. New York: Macmillan, 1972.

Roy, Jules. The Battle ofDien Bien Phu. Tunis, by Robert Baldick, New York: Harper amp; Row, 1965.

Salisbury-Jones, Guy. So Great A Glory. New York; Frederick A. Prueger, 1955.

Schandler, Herbert Y. The Unmaking of a President: Lyndon Johnson and Vietnam. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univerelty Press, 1977.

Shaplen, Robert. The Lost Revolution: The U.S. in Vietnam, 1946 – 1966). New York: Harper amp; Row, 1965.

Time Out of Hand. New York: Harper amp; Row, 1969.

Sharp, U. S. Grant, and Westmoreland, William C. Report on the War in Vietnam. Washington, D.C.: United Staleg Government Printing Office, 1969.

Sharp, U. S. Grant. Strategy for Defeat – Vietnam in Retrospect. San Rafael, CA: Presidio Press, 1978.

Shub, David. Lenin, A Biography. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1966.

Shulimson, Jack, and Wells, Edward F. “First In, Flirt Out: The Marine Experience in Vietnam, 1965 – 1971.” Charles R.Shrader, ed. Proceedings of the 1982 International Military History symposium, “The Impact of Unsuccessful Military Campaigns on Military Institutions, 1860 – 1980.” Washington, D.C.: United Stales Army Center of Military History, 1984.

Shy, John, and Collier, Thomas W. “Revolutionary War,” Makers of Modem Strategy, ed. Peter Paret. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1968.

Summers, Harry G., Jr. On Strategy: The Vietnam War in Context. Carlisle Barracks, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, 1981.

Sun Tzu. The Art of War. Trans, by Samuel B. Griffith. New York: Oxford University Press, 1963.

Szulc, Tad. The Illusion of Peace, Foreign Policy in the Nixon Years. New York: The Viking Press, 1978.

Tanham, George Kilpatrick. Communist Revolutionary Warfare: The Vietminh in Indochina. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1961.

Taylor, Maxwell D. Swords and Plowshares. New York: W. W. Norton, 1972.

Thies, Wallace J. When Governments Collide: Coercion and Diplomacy in the Vietnam Conflict, 1964 – 1968. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1980.

Thompson, Sir Robert, No Exit from Vietnam. New York: David McKay, 1969.

Peace is Not at Hand. New York: David McKay, 1974.

Thompson, W. Scott, and Frizzell, Donaldson D., eds. The Lessons of Vietnam. New York: Crane, Russak amp; Co., 1977.

Tolson, John J. Airmobility 1961 – 1971. Vietnam Studies. Washington, D.C.: Department of the Army, 1973,

Tran Dinh Tho. Pacification. Indochina Monographs. Washington, D.C.: United States Army Center of Military History, 1980.

The Cambodian Incursion. Indochina Monographs. Washington, D.C.: United States Army Center of Military History, 1983.

Tran Van Don. Our Endless War: Inside Vietnam. San Rafael, CA: Presidio Press, 1978.

Tran Van Tra. Vietnam: History of the Bulwark B-2 Theatre, Vol 5: Concluding the 30- Years War. Ho Chi Minh City: Van Nghe Publishing Plant, 1982.

Truong Chinh. Primer for Revolt: The Communist Takeover in VietNam. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1963. 812

Truong Nhu Tang. A Vietcong Memoir – An Inside Account of the Vietnam War and Its Aftermath. New York: Hartcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1985.

Truong Son. Quan Doi Nhan Dan. “On the 1965 – 1966 Dry Season.” Hanoi: July 1966.

Tuchman, Barbara W. The March of Folly, from Troy to Vietnam. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1984.

United States Embassy (USIS), Saigon. Vietnam Documents and Research Notes No. 38. “The Sixth Resolution, Central Office of South Vietnam.” Saigon: United States Embassy, July 1968.

Vietnam Documents and Research Notes No. 67. “An Elaboration of the Eighth Resolution: Central Office of South Vietnam.”

Saigon: United States Embassy, September 1969.

Vietnam Documents and Research Notes No. 81. “COSVN Resolution No. 14 (October 30, 1969).” Saigon: United States Embassy, July 1970.

Vietnam Documents and Research Notes No. 82. “A Preliminary Report on Activities During the 1969 Autumn Campaign.” Saigon:

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Vietnam Documents and Research Notes No. 96. “Central Office of South Vietnam.” Saigon: United States Embassy, July 1971.

Van Dyke, Jon M. North Vietnam's Strategy For Survival. Palo Alto, CA: Pacific Books, 1972.

Van Tien Dung. Great Spring Victory. Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report: Asia and Pacific, Vol. 4, No. 110, Supplement 38, 7 June 1976. Von Clausewitz, Carl. On War. Michael Howard amp; Peter Paret, eds. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1976.

Principles of War. Ed. and trans., Hans W. Gatzke, Harrisburg, PA: The Military Service Publishing Company, 1942. Westmorelend, William C. A Soldier Reports. New York: Doubleday, 1976.

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