Россия и мусульманский мир № 10 / 2017 - Страница 7

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Ястребова О.М. Прозаическая персидская версия «Книги о праведном Виразе» в списке Института восточных рукописей // Письменные памятники Востока. № 2 (11). 2009. С. 138–152.

Akimushkin O. Muraqqa‘. Album of the Indian and Persian Miniatures of the 16–18th Centuries and the Models оf the Persian Calligraphy оf the Same Period // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 1. № 3. 1995.

Akimushkin O. A Manuscript of Yūsuf wa Zulaykhā by Jāmī in the Collection of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 2. № 4. 1996.

Akimushkin O. An Entire Library in a Single Binding // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 4. № 3. 1998.

Akimushkin O. A Copy of the «Early Diwan» by Jami in the Collection of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 5. № 4. 1999.

Akimushkin O. A Rare Seventeenth-Century Hagiography of the Naqshbandiyya-Mujaddidiyya Shaykhs // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 7. № 1. 2001.

Alikberov A., Rezvan E. ‘Adja'ib al-Makhluqat by Zakariya' al-Qazwini (d. 682/1283): 16th-century Illuminated Manuscript from the St Petersburg Academic Collection // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 1. № 1. 1995.

Alikberov A., Rezvan E. Ibn Abi Khazzam and his «Kitab almakhzun»: The Mamluk Military Manual // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 1. № 1. 1995.

Bolshakov O. The St. Petersburg Manuscript of the «Maqamat» by al-Hariri and Its Place in the History of Arab Painting // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 3. № 4. 1997.

Brovenko N. An Arabic Bible in the Collection of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies: the Problems of Restoration // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 4. № 3. 1998.

Khalidov A. A Unique 14th Century Literary Anthology Manuscript from Baghdad // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 2. № 2. 1996.

Khalidov A. An Arabic Composite Manuscript of Tales from the Collection of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 5. № 1. 1999.

Khalidov A. A Manuscript of an Anthology by al-Abi // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 7. № 2. 2001.

Mikhaylova A. An Illustrated Arabic Manuscript of a Translation of a Seventeenth-Century Greek Chronograph // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 4. № 1. 1998.

Moor B., Rezvan E. Al-Qazwini's ‘Aja'ib al-Makhluqat wa Ghara'ib al-Mawjudat: Manuscript D 370 // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 8. № 4. 2002.

Petrosyan I. On Three Turkish Manuscripts from the St Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies Collection. The Problem of Authorship // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 1. № 1. 1995.

Petrosyan I. An Illustrated Turkish Manuscript of «Iskendername» by Ahmedi // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 1. № 2. 1995.

Petrosyan I. A Turkish Translation of a Cosmographie Work by Ibn al-Wardi and Its Manuscript in the Collection of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 4. № 2. 1998.

Petrosyan I. The ‘Mawlid-i Nabi by Süleyman Çelebi and Its Two Versions // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 4. № 3. 1998.

Petrosyan I. A Late Copy of the Gharib-nama by ‘Ashiq-pasha // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 7. № 2. 2001.

Polosin V. Two Late Eighteenth-Century Ottoman Fiscal Documents from the Manuscript Collection of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 3. № 4. 1997.

Polosin V. A Seventeenth-Century Manuscript of an Illustrated Psalter // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 4. № 4. 1998.

Prozorov S. A Unique Manuscript of a Biographical Dictionary by a Khorezmian Author // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 5. № 2. 1999.

Rezvan E. Yet Another «‘Uthmanic Qur'an» (on the History of Manuscript E20 from the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies) // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 6. № 1. 2000.

Rezvan E. On the Dating of an «‘Uthmanic Qur'an» from St. Petersburg // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 6. № 3. 2000.

Rezvan E. Oriental Manuscripts of Karl Fabergé. I: The Qur'an // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 7. № 1. 2001.

Rezvan M. Qur'anic Fragments from the A.A. Polovtsov Collection at the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 7. № 2. 2001.

Rezvan E. Oriental Manuscripts of Karl Faberge. III: Biographical Works and Portraits (part 1–2) // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 7. № 4. 2001 – Vol. 8. № 1. 2002.

Rezvan E. Oriental Manuscripts of Karl Fabergé. IV: Poetry and Miniatures (part 1–2) // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 8. № 2–3. 2002.

Rezvan M. Qur'an Manuscript A 1638 from the Collection of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies and the Practice of Istikhara // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 9. № 1. 2003.

Sultanov T. Turkic Versions of the «Tarikh-i Rashidi» in the Manuscript Collection of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 3. № 4. 1997.

Terletsky N. A Little-Known Work About a Bukhara Mazar // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 12. № 2. 2006.

Tumanovich N. Persian Folklore Materials in the Manuscript Collection of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 2. № 4. 1996.

Vasiltsov K. Afdal al-Din Kashani and His Treaties «The Book of Everlasting» (Based on the MS В 2496 from the SPIOS Collection) // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 10. № 4. 2004.

Yastrebova O. Reconstruction and Description of Mirza Muhammad Muqim's Collection of Manuscripts in the National Library of Russia // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 3. № 3. 1997.

Факсимиле издана арабская лицевая Псалтырь из собрания ИВР РАН74.

Научная библиотека СПбГУ

В 2005 г. к 150-летию Восточного факультета вышла небольшая статья об истории рукописного фонда Университета75.

Frolova O. Some Notes on the Arabic Manuscripts and Collections in the Library of the Oriental Faculty of the St. Petersburg University // Manuscripta Orientalia. 1996. Vol. 1. No. 2.

Арабская часть описана в виде краткого каталога76. Исследована коллекция А.О. Мухлинского (1808–1877), который возглавлял Восточный факультет с 1859 по 1866 г.77

Каталог (электронная публикация) собрания арабских рукописей профессора Санкт-Петербургского университета ат-Тантави (1810–1861) в Восточном отделе Научной библиотеки СПбГУ: http://www.orient.spbu.ru/tantawi/catalog.html

Отдельные рукописи

Abdullaeva F.I. A Turkish prose version of Fridawsï's Shah-Nama in the Manuscript collection of the St. Petersburg State University Library // Manuscripta Orientalia. 1997. Vol. 3. No. 2. С. 49–55.

Alexeev A. An Unknown Arabic Manuscript of the Library of Oriental Department: Preliminary Description // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 16. No. 2. 2010.

Alexeev A. Manuscript MS.O. 1350 from the Collection of Oriental Department of SPBSU: Preliminary Description // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 18. No. 2. 2012.

Alexeev A. A Treatise on Sama‘ and Ghina from the Collection of the Oriental Department of the St. Petersburg State University Research Library // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 21. No. 1. 2015.

Sadykhova A. A Manuscript of «Tales of Some Lovers of the Past» in the Collection of the Oriental Faculty of the St. Petersburg University // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 4. No. 1. 1998.

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