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(z3) «Critical Remarks on the Knowledge of Lower and Higher Organisms, the so-called Sensory Motor Systems», Sensory-Motor Integration in the Nervous System, edited by O. Creutzfeldt, R. F. Schmidt and W. D. Willis, Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp. 19–31.
(zll) «Festvortrag: 40 Jahre Naturwissenschaft», Der Beitrag: Europas Erbe und Auftrag, Europäisches Forum Alpbach 1984, edited by Otto Molden, Österreichisches College, Wien.
(a) «Realism in Quantum Mechanics and a New Version of the EPR Experiment», Open Questions in Quantum Physics, edited by G. Tarozzi and A. van der Merwe, D. Reidel Publishing Co., Dordrecht, Holland, pp. 3-25.
(e) Popper Selections, edited by David Miller, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey.
(g) Die Zukunft ist offen. Das Altenberger Gespräch. Mit den Texten des Wiener Symposiums, by K. R. Popper and Konrad Lorenz, edited by Franz Kreuzer (also containing contributions by others), Piper Verlag, München, Zürich.
(h) «The Non-Existence of Probabilistic Inductive Support», Foundations of Logic and Linguistics: Problems and their Solutions, edited by Georg Dorn and Paul Weingartner, Plenum Press, New York and London, pp. 303-18.
(j) «Has Inductive Probability been Proved Impossible?», Popper and Miller Reply in Nature,315, p. 461.
(t) «Towards a Local Explanatory Theory of the Einstein-PodolskyRosen-Bohm Experiment» (with Thomas D. Angelidis), Symposium on the Foundations of Modern Physics, edited by P. Lahti and P. Mittelstaedt, World Scientific Publishing Co., pp. 37–49.
(x) «Realism and Quantum Theory», Determinism in Physics. Proceedings of the Second International Meeting on Epistemology, edited by Ef tichios Bitsakis and Nikos Tambakis, Gutenberg Publishing Company, Athens, pp. 11–29.
(z2) «Festvortrag: 40 Jahre Naturwissenschaft», Der Beitrag: Europas Erbe und Auftrag, Europäisches Forum Alpbach 1984, edited by Otto Molden, Österreichisches College, Vienna.
(e) Offene Gesellschaft — offenes Universum, Discussions between Franz Kreuzer and K. R. Popper, Serie Piper, Munich. (Shortened edition of 1983 (h).)
(m) «Realism and a Proposal for a Simplified New Variant of the EPRExperiment», Foundations of Physics, a selection of papers contributed to the Physics Section of the 7th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, edited by Paul Weingartner and Georg Dorn, Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, Vienna, pp. 227–249.
(a) «Bell’s Theorem: A Note on Locality», Microphysical Reality and Quantum Formalism, edited by G. Tarozzi and A. van der Merwe, D. Reidel Publishing Co., Dordrecht, pp. 413–417.
(b) Das Ich und sein Gehirn, with John C. Eccles, German translation of 1977 (u), sixth edition (first paperback), R. Piper & Co. Verlag, Munich.
(c) «Why Probabilistic Support Is Not Inductive», with D. W. Miller, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, A,321, No. 1562, pp. 569–596.
(o) «Die erkenntnistheoretische Position der Evolutionären Erkenntnistheorie» Die Evolutionäre Erkenntnistheorie: Bedingungen, Lösungen, Kontroversen, edited by Rupert Riedl and Franz M. Wuketis, Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin and Hamburg.
(q) Letter to the Editor about Hegel and Hitler, The Salisbury Review, July 1987.
(r) «Zur Theorie der Demokratie», Der Spiegel, 3.8.1987, Hamburg.
(t) Popper versus Copenhagen, letter in reply to Collett and Loudon, Nature,328, 20.8.1987.
(x) Objektive Erkenntnis: Ein Evolutionärer Entwurf, fifth impression, German translation of 1972 (a), Hoffmann und Campe, Hamburg.
(z2) «Toleration and Intellectual Responsibility», On Toleration, edited by Susan Mendus and David Edwards, Clarendon Press, Oxford.
(z9) «Campbell on the Evolutionary Theory of Knowledge», Evolutionary Epistemology, Rationality, and the Sociology of Knowledge, edited by G. Radnitzky and W. W. Bartley III, Open Court Publishing Co., LaSalle, Illinois, pp. 115–120.
(z 10) " Natural Selection and the Emergence о f Mind», Evolutionary Epistemology, Rationality, and the Sociology of Knowledge, edited by G. Radnitzky and W. W. Bartley III, Open Court Publishing Co., LaSalle, Illinois, pp. 139–155.
(j) «Popper on Democracy. The Open Society and its Enemies Revisited», The Economist, 23.4.1988, pp. 25–28. (Title not chosen by the author.)
(w) Bemerkungen zu Theorie und Praxis des demokratischen Staates, Lecture given in Munich on 9.6.1988, published by Bank Hof mann AG, Zürich.
(i) Quantum Theory and the Schism in Physics, From the Postscript to the Logic of Scientific Discovery, edited by W. W. Bartley III, Unwin Hyman, London. (First paperback edition of 1982 (b).)
(r) «Zwei Bedeutungen von Falsifizierbarkeit», Handlexikon zur Wissenschaftstheorie», edited by Helmut Seiffert and Gerard Radnitzky, Ehrenwirt GmbH Verlag, Munich, pp. 82–86.
(u) Conjectures and Refutations, fifth edition (revised and corrected), Routledge, London. (Eleventh impression.)
(v) Popper on Schrôdinger, Nature,342, 23.11.1989.
(x) «On a Little Known Chapter of Mediterranean History», Catalonia, No. 15, pp. 31–37, Centre Unesco de Catalunya, Barcelona.
(z) «Creative Self-Criticism in Science and in Art», Diogenes, 145, Casalini Libri, Fiesole, pp. 36–45.
(z3)Das Ich und sein Gehirn, with John C. Eccles, German translation of 1977 (u), ninth edition, R. Piper & Co., Munich.
(z4)The Open Society and Its Enemies, I Routledge, London. (Eighth reprint of the fifth [revised 1966] edition.)
(z5) The Poverty of Historicism, thirteenth impression, Ark paperbacks (an imprint of Routledge & Kegan Paul), London and New York.
(f) A World of Propensities, Thoemmes, Bristol. Two lectures, revised and extended: 1. «A World of Propensities: Two New Views of Causality», delivered at the 1988 World Congress of Philosophy at Brighton, and 2. «Towards an Evolutionary Theory of Knowledge», delivered at the London School of Economics on 9.6.1989.
(g) «Pyrite and the origin of life», Nature, 344, No. 6265, p. 387, 29.3.1990.
(z5) «ProgenoteorProtogenote?" withDr. Günter Wächtershäuser, Science, 250/4984 («Letters»), 23.11.1990, p. 1070.
(b) «Kepler: Seine Metaphysik des Sonnensystems und seine empirische Kritik», Wege der Vernunft, Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Hans Albert, J. С. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Tübingen.
(d) «Révolutions scientifiques et révolutions idéologiques», Introduction to Karl Popper: Science et Philosophie, edited by Renée Bouveresse and Hervé Barreau, Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, Paris.
(e) The Open Society and Its Enemies, I, Routledge, London. (Ninth reprint of the fifth [revised 1966] edition.)
(n) The Poverty of Historicism, fourteenth impression, Routledge, London and New York.
(o) «Ich weiss, dass ich nichts weiss — und kaum das»: Karl Popper im Gespräch über Politik, Physik und Philosophie, Ullstein GmbH, Berlin. (Two interviews with Die Welt, in 1987 and 1990.)
(e) «Gegen den Zynismus in der Interpretation der Geschichte», Eichstätter Materialien, Verlag Friedrich Pustet, Regensburg. Lecture given at the Catholic University of Eischstätt on 27 May 1991 on the occasion of being awarded an honorary doctorate.
(k) «How the Moon Might Throw Some of her Light Upon the Two Ways of Parmenides», Classical Quarterly, 42, No. 1, Oxford University Press, Oxford. In Search of a Better World: Lectures and Essays from Thirty Years, Routledge, London and New York. Translation of 1984 (b) by Laura J. Bennett, additional material translated by Melitta Mew. First English edition.
(z3) La lezione di questo secolo. Interview by Giancarlo Bosetti, Marsilio Editori, Venice. Also contains translation of 1888 (w) and 1990 (z).