My poems on English (СИ) - Страница 7
Мы уйдём отсюда в Никуда...
Сильной страстью открывая двери,
Где пребудет Сила навсегда.
Мы уйдём - но кто-то там остался...
за Краём по Времени идти
Свет звезды сияет, освещая
всех, кого тут надо нам найти.
Тигги, Инна (Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin / Инна Бальзина-Бальзин)
Another my small translation work from Samael poem from English to Russian, translated by Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin (nik Inna Tiggi)
Мы уйдем отсюда в Безвременье
Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин / Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
Another my translation on English from my own poem on Russian
It was a boy, and was he blue
3 сентября 2008.
Посвящается Shinigami (Шини или Шинигами)
It was a boy, and was he blue
It was a boy, and he was blue,
or orange, or with straps,
sometimes with lights
sometimes was dark
and lighting or as ShwaRfh.
he tried undestand himself!
it was terrific hard!
but he alive and he exists...
and he is blue, all times...
*** Это была попытка перевода с русского на английский, моего же стихотворения "Жил мальчишка голубой".
Но вышло по сути отдельное сихотворение в итоге - другое.
** Для меня английский - иностранный
Оригинально - что я хотела перевести - это:
Стихотворение посвящено Шини (иначе Шинигами, Shinigami)
Жил мальчишка голубой
нежно-нежно полосатый
не такой он, не такой
остальные - те богаты
Но и он богатым был
только это по-другому
и кому то там светил
голубой своей волною
ничего, что ты другой
как родился-так родился
голубым - так голубым
лишь с собою разбирисья
Инна Тигги
Тигги, Инна "Жил мальчишка голубой"
Тигги, Инна, "It was a boy and he was blue"
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin (nick Inna Tiggi)
Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин (ник и псевдоним Инна Тигги)
Alexandr Grin (sounded as Alexander Green) is a famous Russian writer of his books 'Scarlet Sails' and others, as a romantic fantasy tales stories.
Scarlet Sails and books of Alexandr Grin
The life was so as a salt,
a salt, a salt, a salt.
With no a hope for a change.
And still without a love.
But open a book! Another World!
With Sparks! and so kind!
The love will bring
on Scarlet Sails,
Beloved Captain.
And you may walk
Just on the waves
And run and walk
And dream. And so free!
And All This Word -
is Yours!
Just look and see!
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin / Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
PS There are famous Soviet time romantic Russian films on the base of his books. It is a Musuem of Alexander Grin in Pheodosia in Crimea.
PSS I am thinking, the female name Asole, may be a play of word A Sole and salt which prounanced as solt on Russian, and may English word a sole, and Russian word [solt] for a salt had some connections.
There is a song as Gypsy style song on Russian - my idea was to try to translate my song from Russian language on English
5-6 сентября 2014 / 5-6 September 2014
September 2, 2014 - September 6, 2014
*** A working process *** The translation from Russian to English*
The Shelter of Branches / The Hut / The Tent
The Tent, The Hut, The Shelter of Branches, a song
With Beloved - a paradise, even if in shelter!
Just where do I find you?
That hut - but where?
Where are you?
Somewhere in there. That's so high,
A smallest bird is in the sky.
A thinnest voice is sounding.
Excuse his work - he is singing songs!
And the soul flies free!
And between the stars and high!
Song pours! What is sung!
Without Borders carries it!
Ah, time and again!
Rest a bit!
And then - then the road ...
Or work a lot ...
Tell me, please, about a love?
Such that I'd believe you?
That it will be warm inside,
To give for the soul - the window!?
And then, a tent - Palace.
He is under the sky, the stars.
And then I'm with you together -
Time has stopped for us forever!
Ah, the time! And again!
I may look at your beloved eyes forever!
I need to look at your beloved figure always!
Even people say me - this is so fool!
Fool - that's nothing!
If it is in the heart of splashing
Of a warmest wave of love,
Bringing me straight near you!
Eh, eh,
The endless time!
I do not count it at all!
As it'd be eternal!
And under the stars on the way
There are plenty roads.
Were will we find ours?
By walking for so longer?
The smallest bird's still in the sky,
Circling over, singing!
A silence here - and no anyone!
Just heart's so fast and beating!
Oh! Oh!
There are all so good for us!
We may love each another!
And the nature too!
How beautiful! Let see!
Every leaf is here green!
Lace from shadows on your face
Covering all with a tenderness.
Eh, eh!
This is so beautiful!
All are luring as a secret of love.
I do not know what be next.