In resonance with cosmic energies: terrorism and marketing - Страница 4

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You can see this process clearly in the dynamics.

See: А. Kim. The mechanics of the ether and the principle of relativity. .

This is an important departure. It shows that the peaks of the attacks at the time of change of acceleration of the earth coincide with the change in the ether density.

According to the physics, streams of cosmic ether coming to Earth from the direction of the Leo constellation, and according to the etherodynamics laws of the flow around Earth. At the same time, in the world there are areas of high and low ether pressure. A density of ether in the world is different. Is it related to the spread of terrorism?

See: A wind of the ether: a problem, errors, goals V. А. Atsukowski // A wind of the ether. Collection of articles / Edited by V. А. Atsukowski. – М.: Energoatomisdat, 1993. – 288 p. – ISBN 5-283-04990-6.

We select the diagram zone of low pressure ether on the globe.

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Compare the zone of growth of irregularities in the ether density in the world with places on the map, which marked with the intensity of terrorist attacks. They are the same.

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Note that the zone includes a region of a low pressure ether, as well as an unstable region of its pressure. It changes there periodically from a higher pressure area to a lower, and vice versa. Most of the acts of terrorism committed in this zone of an unstable, variable ether flow.

  We noted that the terrorism associated with Islamic extremists.

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Yet, there are more coincidences with the spread of terrorism with an unstable pressure zone of the ether rather than with the spread of Islam. Although Islam is prevalent in countries with a similar variable pressure of the ether wind.

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With such a view of Islam, it can be considered as a religion, which is more adapted to the psychological characteristics of people born and raised in unstable conditions and a lower pressure of essential flows. But only.

There are subtle scholars of the Islamic terrorism. Mohaddam F.M. (2011) proves that terrorism arises from the social and cultural conditions of life and features of Islamic societies of the modern world. That is, the low density of the ether pervades the economic, social, cultural, and spiritual life of a society.

There is every reason to link the density of the ether with the global transformation of the culture, people, our history. Terrorism is part of the problem.

Thus, the migration of our ancestors in ancient times is not only connected to climate change, but also to the density of cosmic ether in the world.

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People always migrated to places with denser concentrations of the ether as soon as the weather permitted. A migration usually started under the major changes on the planet, that representatives of the etherodynamics associates with the density of the ether wind. First of all, this is change in the spread of oxygen and carbon isotopes. Arrows indicate the time of the most intense migrations of our ancestors on Earth.

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These migrations coincide with a sharp change in the content of oxygen isotopes.

According to representatives of the etherodynamics, a formation of oxygen, carbon and other isotopes is associated with increasing of cosmic energies, including densities of the ether streams. And under the change of these densities, its distribution over Earth and the location of the optimum pressure of space ether zones also change. After the brilliant work of A.S. Holmansky (Holmansky A.S. Vortex structure of the nucleus and the periodic law of Mendeleev. M.: 2016 Federal scientific agro-engineering center “VIM”, Moscow), a relation between formation of isotopes and ether vortices can be considered as proven in the framework of classical physics.

Nowadays, cosmic energies change dramatically with an obvious growth trend.

Are modern humans more silly than their ancestors when choosing a place of residence? People who were born in areas of high and low density of the ether are different, as well as people, who was born in one place, but in different historical periods of high and low density of the ether (Konuhov N.I., 2106b). So, the existence of Hyperborea at Sevres near the North Pole has ether-dynamics causes. There is a place at the North Pole with a very high density of ether flows. Hence there are legends about the superiority of the people who were born there.

Obviously, terrorism is first of all a social and political, spiritual deformation of groups of people, or a society. Countries with higher levels of development of economy and social sphere are less prone to terrorism than countries with serious problems in these areas. Social, spiritual well-being of a society overlaps a factor of lack of the ether in the space today. But the intensity of terrorism, as well as the development of our entire history, economics, has a close relationship with the density of the ether.

Countries in which terrorism is particularly cruel and intense, which have the highest index of terrorism, are located in the considered zone of the ether flows. They are: Afghanistan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Syria, India, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Thailand, Philippines …


Cosmic energies, ether streams penetrate people heads. A whirlwind is at the head of each. Energy vortices recorded, settled in a person from head to toes and heels (they also have a reflection of vortex structures). Long-term EEGs (electroencephalogram) at a distance from electromagnetic interference cities and their comparison with the location of planets, with the non-electromagnetic cosmic energies have shown that people are changing dramatically during these times (planet converts the stream of cosmic ether vortices as they rotate). At a certain combination of cosmic energies (electromagnetic and non-electromagnetic) people are as discarded in the ancient past, our instincts laid bare… And what is there not to have, in our unconscious … This is a fight for dominance, for power, for the leadership… The need for better organization of a society suddenly revived, a need that until that moment was asleep.

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