Economic crisis: Cosmos and people - Страница 8

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     Persons of one psychotype who are involved in one type of activity are declined to react on the disequilibrium environment and it often happens the same way. Hence the adoption of similar solutions is typical for the growth of certain disequilibrium environment. We take it for granted that when a cold snap starts we dress warmer and talk more about the weather. It's obvious. Also there is a great number of such varieties. People perceive the disequilibrium not directly, but through their updated requirements. Young people can keep from talking about the cold weather even if the winter is deadly cold, but the opposite sex could be the subject of discussion. That's right. But in general, the explicit dependence was an imbalance. The main thing is when the action begins to address this imbalance. If the actions are correct the imbalance disappears. If not then the imbalance may even increase. Why does it grow? Because the wrong model of reality comes from what we have in mind, and a model of the world is inaccurate because of this thought. They no longer reflect the things hidden in reality. The wrong thoughts can lead to an increase in disequilibrium through our particular situation which does not have an adequate action. And one psychotype of people employs one activity while there are wrong thoughts in certain aspects that can begin to occur synchronously. This happens due to imitation and suggestion as well as because of the presence of one egregor, and due to the fact that our mind has the features of a collective. Hence the error in the presence of disequilibrium begins to make the same type sometimes. Not always. More often it happens, when the power of the group of professionals belongs to the social motivators-postpostresonants. But the presence of the period when the decisions are made by resonators and when they are as objective as possible, they take into account the imbalance of the environment and eliminate it, and this fact should not mislead us. This does not always happen, not at all. And we complain ourselves that we live with our minds and dispassionate decisions. Alas. Emotions and irrationality overwhelm us. They also fill the minds of market participants. Their decisions are imposed by market in a non-equilibrium state. These solutions are remarkably synchronous. We usually lose our minds together. It is funnier, more comfortable, more relaxed. These mechanisms are activated in the markets where the psycho-type of participants varies due to the change of generations of the economically active population, and due to the number of cosmic reasons.

Gravity-magnetic fields make disequilibrium in our earthly life.

In modern science, there is enough reliable data about the effect of gravity and magnetic fields on our psyche. At different moments of cosmic cycles we are different, and it is reflected in our decisions in all areas of life. Economy is not the exception. The level of accumulated knowledge is such that allows us to understand a number of causal links between cosmic phenomena and psycho-emotional processes that take place in the society. This knowledge is important for understanding the behavior of stock market participants at the beginning of the crisis.

They way the cosmic forces influence on what is happening in the world depends on the relative positions of the planets with the dominant role of the giant planets, as well as on the place that holds the Earth in this ensemble. You can select multiple situations to which you should pay attention.

– Jupiter and Saturn are in opposition, and the Sun is between them.

– Jupiter and Saturn conjunct in line with the Sun. The Sun outrages more if it is on the side of the Giants and the other planets are grouped together to form a configuration of "bowl" or lining up in a single line.

– Earth or other planets in line with Saturn and Jupiter.

1.2 Crisis on the Earth and gravitational-magnetic resonance of the outer space

Everything has the origin. Crisis in the economy is not the exception. Nature cataclysm, crisis, revolution are the signs of the system movement to the balance. As a rule, the given movement in nature is caused by the natural reasons that are mainly connected with the changes that take place in the Sun as well as with the position of the Earth among the other planets. It’s a “soft power” that nobody can escape and one should follow its requirements in order to stay in harmony with the constantly changing world. All people respond to the “soft power”, our organism is a very sensitive matter which can respond to any changes. However, if people act in accordance with the requirements of the “soft power”, if they direct it into the source of their creation activity, then there are no any crisis or revolution to take place.

The crisis and revolution are caused by stupid actions of people simultaneously unnoticeable for people for the long period and complex treatment.

Any state, any social community, any economy is a kind of system, and the stability of any system is defined due to its ability to rebuild itself in accordance with its own changed content and to keep safety under the external influence.

If the system is balanced, has the reason for existence in itself, if it draws the energy for development out of itself, then any external influence is just a cause for acceleration of the development. But if the system is out of balance, if there are relationships inside of it that are based on the inequality, constraint and deception, then the change of the external conditions mainly leads to the growth of the imbalance created inside of the system. If the imbalance is high and the impact is strong, then the system cannot stand it and starts changing itself trying to be spared in the new conditions. Along with it no only the relationships between the included elements are changing but also its inner content. This is the very crisis triggered by the cosmic forces.

Due to these circumstances the reasons of the economic recessions within the period of 1929 and 2009 as well as all the other crises lie in the actions of people. All these recessions appeared when the definite “space conditions” arose which pushed or even provoked people to make definite solutions and actions. Besides, these conditions are so similar that one cannot but draw parallels between the events of 2009 and the events that took place in 1929 – a year that dropped almost 100 years behind. The main acting space factor of both crises is the opposition of Jupiter and Saturn.

The reciprocal position of Jupiter and Saturn has a profound effect upon the economy and people who are involved in economy. But the gravitational-cosmic fields also actively influence the fund markets participants and persons who seem to be also involved in economic processes. They replace their “investments” not to provide the growth of the real economy, but to squeeze as much money from the very money as possible. That is why the “financial instruments” that circulate in the stock exchange market do not always reflect the economic realities. More often they are the imbalance in any market and they are under the no-failure influence of the cosmic forces.

But the events of the financial grounds are defined by the behavior of people who make solutions about the various courses of their actions the leitmotiv of which is the extract of the maximized income from the invested money. People are the “weak link” of the market who are fully influenced by cosmic forces. A human reacts at any significant changes of the Earth gravitation and its magnet spheres by changing their hormones and mind. It makes impact on those solutions that they take.

If you have a look at the dynamic of the index S&P500 – the fundamental sign of the economic activity of the most powerful economy of the world in the XX century you cannot but notice that its hesitations obviously correlate with the position of the giant planets. The growth is connected with their connection, and the downfall is connected with the opposition. Moreover, the main events take place when the Earth is in line with them. Besides, the quantity of the solar activity also makes impact on the earth events, as well as the position of the Moon and the resonances implemented by other planets and their satellites between each other.

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