Английский язык. Higher education - Страница 17

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Is it easy to choose a career?

Have you already chosen your future profession? What do you know about it?

What are you good at?

Is there a great variety of jobs in our country?

Do you think that it’s very important to know a foreign language?

What do you know about the development of economy in our country?



We use a variety of prepositions to indicate work relationships:

e.g . I work for Manders (they are my employers)

I work at Manders (the place)

I work with Manders (a sense of collaboration)

I'm in computers (general type of work)

I'm on the market research side (general type of work)

I'm in the Sales Department (specific place of work)

What about you? Choose the most appropriate response.

1. I'm in computers. What about you? a. Oh, I live in London.

Well, I work in Sales.

Oh, I've been here for years.

2. My husband's in the Production a. I'm in the Sales department.

Department b. Not a bad job.

Oh, yes, I think I've met him.

Hello, I'm Sarah. I haven't seen you a. What do you do for a living?

around here before. b. Is that one of your colleagues?

c. No, I'm new here.



Before you begin to read, look at these topics. There is each topic for each paragraph. Look quickly at the reading to find these topics. Do not read every word at this point. Write the number of the paragraph next to the topic of that paragraph.

The importance of a profession connected with the economy.

We should pay attention to a number of important things while choosing a career.

The things a good manager should know.

It is really difficult to choose a career.




Now read.


1. It's rather difficult sometimes to choose a career and to speak about the future profession. I'd say it's because a lot may change in our life in a moment. There are lucky people who chose their profession in childhood and since that time have been doing everything possible to acquire proficiency. But they are few.

2. If we are not indifferent to our future, while thinking about the future career we are to pay attention to a number of important things. We should determine our abilities and inclinations. Then we should analyze job prospects. We must know whether the profession we have chosen will guarantee good living conditions and give promotion. We must be sure we'll avoid unemployment or at least will be able to apply our knowledge and skills in other fields of human activity. In short, we are to decide what we are going to do in our life and feel satisfied, but not bored or disappointed.

3. When I was a fifth-former I dreamt of becoming a doctor. I wanted to be a surgeon and treat people and save their lives. I admired the courage and generosity of surgeons. But then I noticed I can't bare the sight of blood, I'm not able to deal with surgical instruments. And I gave up this idea.

4. This year I have finished school and I must say this school year was not easy for me. It made me think a lot about my future life and my future profession.

I think that a profession connected with the economy is very popular and important now. During last several years our life has greatly changed. A number of new businesses appeared both in our country and in our city. Many of them are joint ventures. That means they have contacts with foreign firms and they will need specialists who knows the economy well and can speak foreign languages.

5. Besides there are many other problems in our economy. At present some plants and factories do not work in the way they can work and these plants and factories need highly-educated specialists to develop their activities.

6. I decided to enter the Institute of Parliamentarism and Entrepreneuship because it trains managers for all kinds of enterprises. It gives knowledge in economy, principles of management and other subjects necessary for the future work. Besides, our institute pays great attention to foreign languages.

7. To my mind a real manager must know accounting, banking. He must be a specialist in microeconomics and macroeconomics. He should speak several foreign languages, operate a computer. More than that, a good specialist should make decisions quickly and be a reliable partner in business. He should thoroughly know the production process. Then he will be a very valuable specialist. And I hope that the Institute will give me the knowledge I need.





Match the synonymous pairs.

to be without a job


to avoid

to get a higher post



to acquire



to get a promotion


to escape



to get

to be unemployed



Which word doesn’t suit the group?

honest, experienced, qualified, skilled

career, profession, proficiency, job

courage, knowledge, generosity, kindness

reliable, necessary, essential, important





Find the English equivalents for the following sentences in the text:

1. Я так считаю, потому что многое в нашей жизни меняется в один миг.

2. Если нам небезразлично наше будущее, обдумывая свою карьеру, мы должны обратить внимание на многие вещи.

3. Мы должны быть уверены, что избежим безработицы или, по крайней мере, сможем применить свои знания в других областях человеческой деятельности.

4. Кроме того, наш институт уделяет большое внимание изучению иностранных языков.

5. На мой взгляд, настоящий менеджер должен знать бухгалтерское и банковское дело.



Fill in the blank with the correct word:

1. It's rather difficult sometimes to choose a ... and to speak about the future ....

2. We should ... our abilities and ....

3. We are to decide what we are going to do in our life and feel..., but not bored or ....

4. I wanted to be a ... and treat people and ... their lives.

5. I decided to … the Institute of Parliamentarism and Entrepreneuship because it trains … for all kinds of … .



Complete the sentence with the best answer (a, b or c) according to the information in the text:

1. There are lucky people who

a) chose their profession in childhood.

b) do everything possible to acquire proficiency.

c) avoid unemployment.

2. We must know whether the profession we have chosen will

a) be interesting and entertaining.

b) guarantee good living conditions and high salary.

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