Alexander I, Ivan F. Kruzenshtern, Yuri F. Lisyansky, Nikolai P. Rezanov. Polycentrism of a successf - Страница 16

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After involving in the conflict with Н. Item. Резановым and after careless words to address the emperor at Ю. Ф. Лисянского does not remain of other choice except for obvious and obvious success.

On some mentions in the books And. Ф. Крузенштерна and Ю. Ф. Лисянского it is possible to make a conclusion, that "'Neva" showed the large rapidity (in comparison with "'Hope"). (Is qualified were under repair? The knowledge корабела has had an effect?)

Ю. Ф. Лисянский writes in the book:

' On April 15. A wind fresh, юго east, weather пасмурная. The ship ' Hope ' has disappeared from us from a kind. At the night by gun shots and lit rockets I gave it(him) to know about a place, where we were. Поутру I have used вс ё сво ё diligence it(him) to find, but my efforts have remained vain. To полудню the rich fog has appeared and has forced me to hold an appropriate rate, as the wind blew favorable, which necessarily should use there, where some hours give sometimes greatest difference in navigation. So, we already in third times are separated by a sudden image.


April 24. Today we could ourselves congratulate, that not only safely have bypassed a southern extremity of Africa, but also have received юго east пассатные winds.

Having examined quantity(amount) of food supplies, I have seen, that, at the economic use, them would be enough for three months. Believing, that during this time we can reach(achieve) Europe, I have decided to leave former сво ё intention итти to an island Св. Елены, and has directed the way directly to England, being is sure, that the so brave enterprise will deliver to us the large honour. Still seafarer, any, similar to us, did not venture such far way, not coming where or for rest. To this courageous feat me induced as well desire mine subordinated, which, being in accomplished(perfect) health, only about that and thought to be distinguished than нибудь extreme. I regretted единственно for one, that the similar travel should us be separated from the ship By(with) 'hope) before most our arrival in Russia. But what to do(make)? Having a case to prove to light, that we deserve to the full that power of attorney, what was rendered us by(with) fatherland, it was necessary to offer this pleasure ' [Лисянский Ю. Ф.].

The events are described and And. Ф. Крузенштерном:

' April. 15

(...) the Course of the ship under зарифельными by Marseilles was of 9 1/2 units. But not looking on this fresh safe ветр, we were separated with Невою.


I ... did(made) repeatedly signals by gun shots, and during night жгли we фальшвеер in each two hours, but did not receive on that of any answer, and we have despaired to incorporate with Невою before arrival ours to an island Св. Елены, as to a place nominated for connection.


April 26 го we have seen two ships ... by First we have recognized Невою, but as the Hope went worse; that Neva soon left again from a kind, and we her(it) any more видали before our arrival in Кронштат. (...)

Четыредневное stay ours at islands Св. Елены ... (...)

After reception by me here of authentic news about the begun war between Россиею and Франциею, I much regretted, that Г н Лисянский, not having complied purpose(assignment) mine, has not gone to an island Св. Елены. The mutual safety required(demanded) by all means to be to us now together. The truth given us from француского of government паспорты, encouraged безопасностию from not friendly with us of acts of the military ships; however from каперов could we expect opposite. Сии quite often do not respect even commands of the government. In continuation of present war there were many examples proving a variety of their ideas from the chiefs of the ships of the militarians. (...)

In those circumstances not почел I reliable to pass Аглинским by the channel, about коего generally крейсеруют Француские каперы. And so, обошед of an island Азорские, we have directed a rate to northern extremity of Scotland that, having floated between оною and Оркадскими by islands enter Northern sea. This way долженствовал to be продолжительнее, as that has proved to be true and actually; but I have recognized as his(its) by most reliable on circumstances ' [Крузенштерн And. Ф.].

Whether 4. ' Early in Куки, young man? ' ' With Куком we disagree ... '. In a rank Фернана Магеллана, Хуана Себастьяна дель Кано, Фрэнсиса Дрейка and other round-the-world seafarers

' After opening America (Колумб, 1492) and sea way to India (Васко yes of Din, 1498) major geographical event of epoch of great opening is the first round-the-world navigation accomplished Фернандом Магелланом. (...) Second after Магеллана the round-the-world navigation was accomplished English капером Франсисом Дреком (1577-80). (...) From numerous imitators Дрека most ' outstanding ' it is considered That Кавендиш, made round-the-world navigation in 1586- 1588. The first Dutch seafarer who has made round-the-world navigation, is Де Ноорт ... (1598-1601) ... (...) the Attempt of search of a new way undertaken in 1615 амстердамским by a merchant Лемером together with the seaman Схоутеном, has crowned by success ... Right at the end 17 centuries the English pirate Демпир makes three round-the-world navigations (1679-1700). For first half 18 centuries are possible to note three round-the-world navigations of the Englishmen Роджерса (1708-10) and Ансона (1740) and Dutch Роггевена (1721). (...) During second half 18 in. Is totaled 8 round-the-world плаваний: the English expedition(dispatch) Джона Байрона (1764-66) - first round-the-world navigation undertaken with the scientific purposes; the English expedition(dispatch) Валлиса and Картерета (1766-69); the large French geographical expedition(dispatch) Бугенвиля (1706-09); three round-the-world navigations Джемса Кука; the tragically terminated navigation Лаперуза; expedition(dispatch) of Vancouver (1790-92). In first half 19 centuries are equipped 6 Russian round-the-world expeditions(dispatches): Крузенштерна (1803-06) ... '[] of Round-the-world navigation '].

' With Куком we disagree ... ' [Лисянский Ю. Ф.].

' The Round-the-world expedition(dispatch) has done in the beginning a lot of noise, - wrote Чичагов to the envoy in London With. Р. Воронцову. - All expeditions(dispatches), when or made in the world before this time, are covered in this with one, not excluding and Egyptian expedition(dispatch) Буонапарте, which in comparison with this - is simple children's game. For that had with itself(himself) scientific, естествоиспытателей, philosophers, and here one representative Лисянский, yes some schoolboys of one of our special schools replace with themselves all '. With. Р. Воронцов the thoughtless and excessively self-confident man answered in tone to the correspondent, that visited it(him) recently Лисянский - no more as. His(its) name (certainly, as well as name Крузенштерна) will not be brought in one list with a name Кука ... ' [Пасецкий In. М.].

' Not my fault, if with me there are such диковины ... It because I love to travel and eternally I search of adventures, and you sit at home and nothing see, except for four walls of the room ' (Э. Распэ. Adventures of baron Мюнхаузена).

5. Unceasing seafarer Ю. Ф. Лисянский. Between Дрейком and Блайтом

To number complex(difficult) sea плаваний concern both round-the-world navigation, and distant enough unceasing (without call in ports) navigation.

The unceasing distant navigation is excellent(different) check of sea art. Certainly, the allocation unceasing плаваний in a separate kind (or class) is conditional enough. Any navigation is in what that sense unceasing. The basis for application of such term arises then, when the special purpose - is put to pass the maximal, unusually long distance without call in port (mooring).

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